A subset of handy options that might deviate from the defaults.

Refer to $HOME/.w3m/config or the options dialog (CTRL-O) for a vast amount of other configuration (including the dictionary command handling, mouse/image support, custom directories and external file paths, proxy, ssl and charset settings, etc.)

Display settings

# Auto preview link url
display_link 1

# Ascii entity renderings
graphic_char 2

# no images
display_image 0

# activate external image viewer
ext_image_viewer 1
imgdisplay w3mimgdisplay

Color settings

color 1
basic_color terminal
anchor_color green
image_color cyan
form_color blue
mark_color yellow
bg_color terminal
active_style 0
visited_anchor 0

Misc settings

use_history 1
history 100
save_hist 1
confirm_qq 1
mark 1
mark_all_pages 0
wrap_search 1
ignorecase_search 1
keymap_file keymap

External program settings

# Open page in the default browser or Opera
extbrowser xdg-open %s
extbrowser2 opera %s

# Append url to $NOTES or the jrnl CLI app
extbrowser3 url=%s out_file=$NOTES && echo $url >> $out_file && echo $url saved to $out_file && read s
extbrowser4 url=%s && jrnl @link $url && echo $url saved to journal && read s

# Copy url to the tmux or the X paste buffer
extbrowser7 url=%s && printf %s "$url" | xargs tmux set-buffer
extbrowser8 url=%s && printf %s "$url" | xsel && printf %s "$url" | xsel -b &

# Auto enable VIM html file type for editor command
editor vim -c "set filetype=html"

# run external viewers/commands in background
bgextviewer 1

Network settings

# Modify user-agent string and languages accepted
accept_language en;q=1.0

# auto-populate with current URL in URL open command
default_url 1

# follow meta refresh
meta_refresh 1

Cookie settings (likely default)

use_cookie 1
show_cookie 0
accept_cookie 1
accept_bad_cookie 0