The default $HOME/.w3m/keys
keystroke configuration I find somewhat suboptimal for efficient browsing, hence I've modified the keymap for quicker (and VIM-like) navigation, numerous one-key options in lieu of multiple strokes, as well as plain ergonomical convenience.
See my full keymap file
FYI, the M-
prefix refers to the ALT key, while C-
refers to CTRL
# The most important keymap m MARK keymap . NEXT_MARK keymap , PREV_MARK# Mark all search terms keymap \" REG_MARK# Mark URL-like strings as anchors keymap : MARK_URL# Mark current word as URL keymap ";" MARK_WORD keymap M-: MARK_MID
# Scroll screen up one line keymap C-e UP keymap J UP# Scroll screen down one line keymap K DOWN keymap C-y DOWN# Scroll screen left keymap M-, LEFT# Scroll screen right keymap M-. RIGHT# Movement across the page keymap h MOVE_LEFT keymap C-p MOVE_UP keymap k MOVE_UP keymap C-n MOVE_DOWN keymap j MOVE_DOWN keymap l MOVE_RIGHT keymap M-< SHIFT_LEFT keymap M-> SHIFT_RIGHT keymap W PREV_WORD keymap b PREV_WORD keymap w NEXT_WORD# Various ways to to proceed page by page keymap = NEXT_PAGE keymap + NEXT_PAGE keymap C-d NEXT_PAGE keymap SPC NEXT_PAGE keymap DOWN NEXT_PAGE keymap - PREV_PAGE keymap C-u PREV_PAGE keymap UP PREV_PAGE keymap TAB NEXT_LINK keymap M-TAB PREV_LINK# First link on page keymap [ LINK_BEGIN# Last link keymap ] LINK_END keymap C-a LINE_BEGIN keymap 0 LINE_BEGIN keymap \^ LINE_BEGIN keymap $ LINE_END# Top of page keymap g BEGIN# Bottom of page keymap G END# Undo last movement/jump across the page keymap ( UNDO# Redo the same keymap ) REDO keymap M-g GOTO_LINE keymap Z CENTER_H keymap z CENTER_V
# Incremental search keymap C-r ISEARCH_BACK keymap C-s ISEARCH# Regular search keymap / SEARCH keymap ? SEARCH_BACK keymap N SEARCH_PREV keymap n SEARCH_NEXT
Buffer ops
# Previous buffer, close current keymap B BACK# Navigate back without deleting current buffer keymap < PREV keymap LEFT PREV# Navigate forward without deleting current buffer keymap > NEXT keymap RIGHT NEXT# Display current buffer URL keymap c PEEK# Pop-up menu with open buffers keymap s SELECT_MENU# Open current buffer in an external browser (app) keymap O EXTERN# Open new URL keymap U GOTO keymap M-u GOTO_RELATIVE# Open local file keymap V LOAD# edit buffer (the textual rendering, not the html source) in VIM (or editor) keymap M-e EDIT_SCREEN# Edit source in VIM (or editor) keymap E EDIT keymap | PIPE_BUF# Save buffer keymap S SAVE_SCREEN# Save html (source) keymap M-s SAVE keymap C-l REDRAW# Reload source URL keymap R RELOAD# View source keymap v VIEW
keymap { PREV_TAB keymap DEL PREV_TAB keymap } NEXT_TAB keymap \\ NEXT_TAB# Move tabs around keymap M-{ TAB_LEFT keymap M-} TAB_RIGHT keymap C-q CLOSE_TAB keymap C-w CLOSE_TAB keymap C-t NEW_TAB keymap M-t TAB_MENU
# Open link in new tab keymap t TAB_LINK keymap T TAB_LINK keymap a SAVE_LINK# Open current link in ext browser (application) keymap o EXTERN_LINK keymap M-M EXTERN_LINK# Display the link url keymap u PEEK_LINK# menu of links keymap M-l LIST_MENU# Another link list keymap L LIST# jump to link in page keymap M-M MOVE_LIST_MENU
Image ops
# Hover over image placeholder to view externally keymap I VIEW_IMAGE keymap M-I SAVE_IMAGE# Peek at image URL while hovered over placeholder keymap i PEEK_IMG
# Trigger input field submit action keymap C-c SUBMIT# Current line #, total lines, cols, etc keymap C-g LINE_INFO# Browsing history keymap C-h HISTORY# Options page keymap C-o OPTIONS# Reload config options keymap M-r REINIT keymap M-o SET_OPTION keymap C-z SUSPEND keymap ! SHELL keymap @ READ_SHELL# page info, including the response HTTP header keymap M-+ INFO keymap D DOWNLOAD_LIST# Toggle frames keymap F FRAME# View the key mappings (with w3m descriptions), including the possible unassigned commands keymap H HELP keymap M-m MOUSE_TOGGLE keymap q QUIT keymap Q EXIT keymap r VERSION# Optionally configurable menu (~/.w3m/menu) keymap M MENU keymap M-a ADD_BOOKMARK# Bookmark page keymap M-b BOOKMARK# Run internal command keymap M-c COMMAND# Invoke the external dictionary with input word keymap M-w DICT_WORD# Invoke the dictionary with word under cursor keymap M-W DICT_WORD_AT
# Specific pages shortcuts. Also showcases macros via COMMAND # Open search engine, proceed to and select the search box keymap M-/ COMMAND "GOTO; NEXT_LINK; GOTO_LINK" keymap M-\" GOTO Add URL to the first bookmark section in one stroke keymap M-8 COMMAND "ADD_BOOKMARK; LINK_END; GOTO_LINK"# Proceed straight to these user-defined commands in the help page keymap M-? COMMAND "HELP; SEARCH User-Defined; NEXT_PAGE; CENTER_V"# Pipe to an external table-to-csv converter, then edit the rendered buffer keymap M-T COMMAND "VIEW; PIPE_BUF tabletocsv; EDIT_SCREEN"